samedi 6 octobre 2012

Les guerriers de l'étoile

Singe bleu magnétique

C'est un ovni que j'ai pêché sur la toile (web) il y a une douzaine d'années et traduit, en partie, en français - pour les anglophiles, la version originale intégrale est publiée sous la traduction.
Robert "Ciel du Matin" nous parle des relations entre les hommes et les extraterrestres et de l'enseignement que l'un d'entre eux a transmis à sa tribu, la voie du cœur, de la "passion"...

Ce texte m'a beaucoup éclairée, je l'ai intégrée dans ma cosmogonie.
Ce matin, le ciel me suggère de partager cette lumière allumée, alors voici :

  Les guerriers de l'étoile
par  Robert Morningsky
présenté par Don Allen
A tous ceux qui lisent ce texte, il n'exprime pas mes opinions, mais celles de Robert Morningsky, un danseur Hopi-Apache que j'ai rencontré en Australie, au festival de Warana à Brisbane, Queensland. C'est un militant actif pour la préservation de sa nation et d'autres peuples autochtones. Je ne peux vous faire un vrai portrait de ce personnage car je ne le connais pas personnellement. 
Le 21 décembre 1991, une cassette vidéo déclencha une série d'événements qui me permit de rédiger ce texte. Sur cette cassette se trouvaient des fragments d'information qui confirmaient ce que certains amérindiens savent depuis un moment... que des formes de vie extraterrestres existent et vivent parmi nous. Grâce aux révélations contenues dans cette cassette, il est maintenant possible de donner des informations supplémentaires qui ne pouvaient être révélées avant. Cette ère de silence glacé va peut-être lentement et prudemment prendre fin.
A la fin des années 40 et au début des années 50, un mouvement apparut dans les réserves des Indiens Pueblo du Sud Ouest. L'intention des Anciens était d'élever un groupe isolé de jeunes Guerriers à la manière traditionnelle. Les enseignements commencèrent et reçurent bientôt une assistance inattendue... celle du "Guerrier de l'Étoile" (voir la chronologie incluse). En harmonie avec les usages des "guerriers médecine", les enseignements du "Guerrier de l'Étoile" devinrent le fondement de l'éducation de ces jeunes guerriers. Main dans la main avec les Anciens, le Frère de l'Étoile enseigna les secrets de l'Univers.
Élevés dans la philosophie des Katchinas, les enfants savaient déjà que l'Esprit des choses et des êtres est toujours différent d'apparence. Le Frère de l'Étoile n'était pas effrayant, mais seulement un peu différent et il jouait avec nous comme un enfant. La connaissance doit être gagnée. La sagesse doit être apprise. La "loi du Guerrier" confirma ce qui était déjà su et suggéra une direction, mais la passion pour la connaissance DOIT être vécue et ainsi, le code fut élaboré - "confirme mais n'explique PAS. Suggère et dirige mais laisse la découverte à celui qui cherche la connaissance". Ces Indiens pur-sang -filles et garçons- passent leur vie à apprendre par la découverte... et un par un, ils s'en allèrent vers le monde "extérieur". L'auteur de ces textes est l'un de ces jeunes. Les informations contenues dans ces papiers ne violent pas le code [des Guerriers], elles ne font que confirmer celles qui apparaissent dans [la cassette] "Grand Overview". Les informations révélées dans ces textes ne devraient pas être acceptées telles quelles. Vous devez en chercher la confirmation vous-même. La crédibilité de ces textes ne dépend pas de leur auteur, mais plutôt de ce que vous découvrirez par vos propres recherches et enquêtes sur les informations présentées. CONFIRMEZ CHAQUE POINT VOUS-MÊME! C'EST LA SEULE FAÇON D'ÊTRE SÛR DES VÉRITÉS PRÉSENTÉES. .../...

La légende Hopi de la Genèse du Monde propose trois commencements différents. Une des histoires raconte que nous sommes montés d'un paradis souterrain par une ouverture appelée Sipapu. La seconde histoire parle de notre lieu de naissance près d'une étoile bleue. Et la troisième relate une migration depuis un lieu lointain à travers une immense étendue d'eau. Toutes les trois sont vraies. Ce qui importe n'est pas l'ordre chronologique, mais qu'elles soient toutes vraies (plutôt que de se concentrer sur la feuille, mieux vaut regarder l'arbre entier). L'histoire de Sipapu révèle que nous avons émergé sous une forme physique incomplète, comme l'homme préhistorique. Nos corps étaient encore souples et en formation mais nos traits étaient un peu frustres. L'Homme, appelé Koyemsi ou Tête de Boue, possédait deux petits morceaux ronds pour oreilles, deux boutons protubérants comme yeux et un grand morceau en guise de bouche. La tête était lisse et ronde comme une balle. Comme l'homme se développait, son corps physique et ses traits s'affinèrent jusqu'à ce qu'il ressemble à ce qu'il est aujourd'hui.

LA VERSION HOPI DE L'ÉVOLUTION - Cette histoire de la création affirme qu'il existait un paradis souterrain avec de magnifiques cieux clairs et d'innombrables sources de nourriture. C'est à cause de l'existence des Deux-Coeurs, les méchants, que les Hopi, les pacifiques, cherchèrent refuge dans le monde supérieur. Le monde inférieur ne fut pas détruit mais scellé pour empêcher les Deux-Coeurs d'envahir le monde de la surface (recherche suggérée : les théoriciens-chercheurs de la terre creuse pourraient étudier cette légende de plus près. On dit qu'au moins une agence gouvernementale surveille les Hopis pour voir si un retour vers l'intérieur de la Terre s'esquisse).
La seconde légende de la création raconte la descente des Hopis depuis l'Étoile Bleue d'une constellation appelée les Sept Soeurs, puis de notre voyage sur le dos d'Enki, l'aigle. Grand-père, le Grand Esprit, autorisa Premier Homme à choisir sa demeure parmi les nombreuses étoiles de l'univers. L'aigle parla à l'homme de sa terre natale et l'emmena la visiter. Premier Homme explora la Terre et fut convaincu que c'était le lieu où il désirait que ses enfants naissent et grandissent. Premier Homme retourna aux cieux pour parler à Grand-Père de sa décision. Grand-Père fut content et accorda à Premier Homme le droit de nommer la Terre sa demeure. Premier Homme retourna avec sa famille peu après sur la planète verte, Sakwap. (De nombreuses légendes, appartenant à diverses époques et cultures, se réfèrent à un groupe de sept. Les guerriers venus des étoiles utilisent souvent le signe des Sept Soeurs sur leurs boucliers et médaillons).
La légende de la migration partie d'une grande terre à travers l'immense étendue d'eau raconte le départ d'un lointain paradis. Cette histoire est semblable à de nombreuses autres versions de la création mais en diffère seulement par le fait qu'elle ne mentionne aucun désastre qui aurait motivé ce voyage. Le but de la traversée était de commencer une nouvelle vie sur une nouvelle terre. Une autre interprétation  en est que les Hopis quittèrent leur lieu originel afin de répandre les Enseignements des Anciens (recherche suggérée - la symbolique de la Migration).

LES SORCIERS ET LES HOMMES MÉDECINE - Dans le Sud Ouest, comme partout en Amérique du Nord, il existe des hommes et des femmes qui utilisent des pouvoirs pour atteindre leurs buts. Parfois appelés les hommes -ou femmes- médecine, sorciers ou shamans, ces individus ont souvent fait l'objet de livres et même de films. On qualifie souvent leurs pratiques de "magie". Rien n'est plus loin de la vérité. La magie est l'usage artificiel (non-naturel) des pouvoirs de la Nature. Ceux qui en viennent à la pratique du déséquilibre sont plus justement appelés sorciers (ce déséquilibre finit par revenir vers ses initiateurs et scelle leur destin). Les hommes et femmes médecine travaillent avec les forces de la Nature (remonter la rivière à contre-courant affaiblit et finit par détruire; descendre la rivière dans le sens de son flux fait entrer le pouvoir de la rivière dans votre âme et révèle sa connaissance). La série de livres de Carlos Castaneda qui a rencontré un immense succès se réfère systématiquement à Don Juan, un sorcier du désert du Sud Ouest. Son apprenti s'appelait Carlos. Dans cette série de livres, Carlos est guidé par Don Juan et Don Genaro sur la voie de la sorcellerie. Les techniques utilisées par Don Juan sont bien connues des hommes et femmes médecine du Sud-Ouest et la plus grande part des deux premiers livres décrit une technique d'enseignement efficace, celle de la Distraction. Cependant, à cause de ses oeillères, Carlos refuse d'ouvrir les yeux et ces deux livres sont assez confus. Ce n'est pas à cause de Don Juan. Les tentatives de Don Juan pour lui apprendre à voir les choses autrement sont totalement rejetées par Carlos et le résultat est un récit embrouillé des événements. Il ne faut pas accepter l'affirmation dans le dernier livre que Carlos est parvenu à l'état de sorcier ou d'homme de connaissance - ce n'est pas le résultat. Ceux qui refusent d'enlever leurs oeillères et d'élargir leur conscience seront toujours prisonniers d'un monde carcéral de leur propre fabrication, et ils ne verront jamais le danger autour d'eux (ceux qui ne veulent pas voir NE LE PEUVENT PAS; ceux qui refusent d'entendre NE LE PEUVENT PAS; ceux qui refusent de sentir NE LE PEUVENT PAS) (suggestion: relire les commentaires de Don Juan avec attention).

HOMMES ET FEMMES MÉDECINE - Les hommes et femmes médecine ne sont pas nécessairement des guérisseurs. En fait, votre médecine est votre passion. Votre médecine vous donne toujours une sensation d'exultation. Si vous exultez en dansant, alors la danse est votre médecine. Si vous exultez en cuisinant, la cuisine est votre médecine. Votre médecine vous aidera toujours à guérir ce qui vous fait souffrir. Votre médecine vous donnera toujours la force de vous relever et de continuer (cette médecine est celle de l'esprit). Votre médecine est aussi ce que vous faites. Votre conduite aux Pays des Etres Vivants, ce que vous faites est votre signature dans la vie et c'est votre médecine. La manière dont vous traitez les autres et dont vous réagissez au Monde est votre médecine. Votre médecine peut soulager les souffrances des autres ou, au contraire, les empoisonner. Ce que vous faites affecte toujours les autres (si votre médecine est nuisible aux autres, c'est que vous, en tant qu'homme ou femme médecine avez échoué dans votre tâche). Ce que vous FAITES sur la terre des Etres Vivants est votre médecine (c'est la médecine du corps). (Le véritable homme/femme médecine allie la médecine de l'esprit à celle du corps).

VÉRITÉ ET SAGESSE - La vérité et la sagesse doivent toujours être recherchées. Aucune des deux ne s'obtient facilement. Si le maître vous ignore en premier lieu... demandez de nouveau! Tous les maîtres de sagesse succombent à l'étudiant passionné. Demander le droit à la connaissance revient à demander à quelqu'un de nous l'enseigner. Demander la connaissance, c'est manifester son respect pour la sagesse et se lancer dans la quête de la connaissance, c'est manifester sa passion pour la vérité (Dans la vie, il n'y a pas de DROITS, mais seulement des privilèges). A la différence du pouvoir, la vérité cherche à se faire connaître. La vérité ne se cache pas, elle est cachée par ceux qui désirent qu'elle reste dissimulée. La vérité et le pouvoir sont deux outils à utiliser mais pas des buts en soi (la pouvoir peut cacher ou révéler la vérité... la vérité ne peut que révéler le pouvoir; le pouvoir peut mener à la vérité... la vérité mène toujours au pouvoir. La sagesse, c'est savoir comment utiliser l'un et l'autre).

LA PASSION - Afin de poursuivre votre Passion, il faut d'abord la reconnaître. Ces indices devraient vous aider à identifier votre passion:
1. Votre PASSION vous fait toujours chaud au coeur.
2. Votre PASSION vous fait oublier le temps (cinq heures passent comme cinq minutes)
3. Votre PASSION occupe la plus grande part de vos pensées conscientes.
4. Votre PASSION vous pousse à l'action, vous ne pouvez inactif.
5. Votre PASSION est une chose pour laquelle vous trouvez toujours du temps.

LA CONSCIENCE - Il y a trois niveaux de conscience:
1. L'Esprit Intérieur ou la PASSION
2. L'Être Extérieur ou le CORPS
3. L'Esprit Extérieur ou la SPIRITUALITÉ

Maîtrisez d'abord l'être intérieur, l'être physique ensuite, et ensuite seulement, la spiritualité peut être conquise. Comment maîtriser le plus complexe à partir de notre expérience physique si nous ne pouvons nous empêcher de trop manger? Comment cesser de trop manger si nous n'avons pas de Passion, de discipline, pour y arriver ?
Tous les enseignements spirituels demandent la maîtrise de l'Esprit. Le développement est toujours vers l'extérieur, non pas vers l'intérieur. La maîtrise de l'Esprit intérieur, ou de la Passion, vient en premier; la maîtrise du corps, ou Physique, vient en second; la maîtrise de la Spiritualité est l'étape finale. Ceux qui changent cet ordre verront leur développement s'introvertir et s'écrouler. La Passion est le secret de toutes choses. Maîtrisez cela et tout vous sera révélé.

LES GUERRIERS DE L'ÉTOILE - Pour suivre la voie du GUERRIER DE L'ÉTOILE, il faut d'abord éliminer deux concepts de votre esprit - "Je ne peux pas" et "mpossible". Combien de temps resteriez-vous avec une épouse qui vous dirait constamment que vous ne pouvez rien faire ? Tu ne peux pas aller là; vous ne pouvez pas faire cela; vous ne pouvez pas dire cela! Pas très longtemps. Alors pourquoi vous permettre de vous nier vous-même ? Souvenez-vous que si vous vous croyez inférieur, vous l'êtes! Si vous vous dites -je ne peux pas- vous avez raison. Si vous vous dites -je peux- vous avez aussi raison. Pour devenir ce que vous souhaitez devenir, déterminez d'abord qui est la personne que vous souhaitez être et comment elle agirait. Puis, répétez et pratiquez tout ce que cette personne pense et fait (pour devenir un cerf, il faut agir, penser, vivre comme le cerf - seulement alors la passion du cerf sera la vôtre).
En d'autres mots, créez-vous vous-même. Écrivez le script de votre propre film. Le héros, c'est vous-même. Dans votre script, écrivez tout ce que vous souhaitez pour vous-même, tout ce que vous aimeriez faire ou sentir. Puis répétez votre script. Devenez le héros ou l'héroïne de votre film. Répétez encore et toujours jusqu'à ce que vous connaissiez son comportement instinctivement. Lentement, vous commencerez à savoir comme votre héros agit et pense. Progressivement, vous deviendrez le héros de votre film et de votre vie. Le seul moyen de devenir coureur est de commencer à courir - le seul moyen de devenir un amoureux est de commencer à aimer - le seul moyen de devenir passionné est de pratiquer la passion... Acharnez-vous à être celui que vous souhaitez être... et bientôt vous le deviendrez.

1. Je suis l'enfant de l'Étoile dansante née du chaos.
2. Je suis le feu.
3. Je vois le feu en toutes choses.
4. Je ne suis qu'un visiteur au pays des êtres vivants.
5. Je marche sur la voie du silence.
6. Je ne suis pas vu ni entendu, je suis seulement ressenti.
7. Je ne prend que ce que je peux rendre.
8. je ne peux posséder, je peux seulement partager.
9. Je suis mon grand-père en tout.
10. Je suis la réponse.

1. JE SUIS NÉ DES ÉTOILES. LES ÉTOILES SONT NÉES DU CHAOS. LE CHAOS EXISTERA TOUJOURS. JE SERAI TOUJOURS UN GUERRIER. C'est dans le combat que nous reconnaissons nos forces et nos faiblesses. Ce n'est que dans le défi que nos passions se renforceront. Le but de la vie est le développement extérieur, et PAS la paix intérieure. La paix qui n'apporte aucun défi signifie la stagnation. La confiance en soi-même gagnée dans le combat est la VRAIE paix.
2. JE SUIS LE FEU. TOUT CE QUE JE FAIS, JE LE FAIS AVEC PASSION. Le feu est la passion. La passion est la force intérieure qui nous distingue des autres. La passion est ce qui fait que l'Ours devient l'Ours... vous ne verrez jamais l'Ours essayer de voler comme l'Aigle, car sa passion est d'être l'ours. La passion est le don qui nous permet d'être ce que nous souhaitons. Faire quelque chose sans passion, c'est traverser le mouvement. Etre sans passion, c'est perdre le combat de la vie. Ceux qui ne possèdent pas le feu sont aisément conquis et manipulés. L'étude de la Physique et d'autres sciences nous apprend que toutes choses sont composées d'atomes qui sont à leur tour composés d'électrons, de protons et de neutrons... tout est composé de particules d'énergie ou d'électricité. cette énergie ne peut être détruite, mais seulement changée. De ces mêmes particules vient la base de nos existences, à l'intérieur de nos propres corps. Ainsi, la science a révélé l'existence d'une force unique, incomparable, la force qui dirige chacun de nous sur notre voie. C'est notre passion, c'est notre don.
3. JE VOIS LE FEU EN TOUTES CHOSES. Toutes le choses possèdent le feu. Elles ont toutes un esprit. La seule différence entre l'homme et l'animal est qu'ils portent des peaux différentes. La seule différence entre l'homme et toutes les choses est la peau, la surface. Dans le monde Hopi, l'esprit d'une chose est appelé Katchina. Le Katchina est le feu, ou la passion. Ceux qui peuvent voir et entendre ces Katchinas tout autour de nous peuvent apprendre d'eux. Si vous pouvez communiquer avec un autre être humain, vous pouvez communiquer avec les arbres, le vent et toutes choses sur Terre.
4. JE NE SUIS QU'UN VISITEUR AU PAYS DES ÊTRES VIVANTS. La peau que nous portons n'est qu'un vêtement temporaire. La part de nous la plus importante est l'esprit intérieur, la passion. Mais nous ne devons jamais oublier que nous sommes invités sur cette terre et nous devons nous conduire comme tels. Respectons tout ce qui est ici. Ce que nous pouvons recevoir en ce lieu doit être laissé ici... nous ne pouvons rien emporter avec nous, mais les richesses que nous avons accumulées dans nos souvenirs et nos connaissances resteront toujours avec nous.
5. JE MARCHE SUR LA VOIE DU SILENCE. Dans le Chant du ciel du matin, un vers dit "vis comme si tu ne pouvais parler". Cela signifie que ce que vous faites est plus important que ce que vous dites. Si vous ne pouvez pas parler, vous devez communiquer votre amour et votre amitié par vos actions. Vous devez démontrer vos sentiments. Laissez vos actions être votre mesure. On n'apprend que dans le silence. Celui qui parle n'entend pas - c'est seulement en silence que l'on peut vaincre ses ennemis. Celui qui ne fait pas de bruit est invisible.
6. JE NE SUIS NI VU NI ENTENDU, JE SUIS SEULEMENT RESSENTI. Le guerrier doit se faire ressentir. S'il vit sa vie et que le monde ne l'a pas ressenti, il a échoué. S'il vit sa vie et que grand-père ne l'a pas ressenti, il a échoué. Ses passions doivent être expérimentées par d'autres, et non regardées. Celui qui utilise son feu échauffe le monde, celui qui crie son feu remplit le monde de bruit.
7. JE NE PREND QUE CE QUE JE PEUX RENDRE. L'ÉQUILIBRE DE LA NATURE ET L'HARMONIE DE L'UNIVERS DOIVENT ÊTRE PRÉSERVÉS. Si le guerrier prend un arbre pour sculpter un canoë, il doit le rendre, planter une graine pour le remplacer. Si un guerrier prend un épi de maïs, il doit le rendre, en planter un autre. Si un guerrier prend une vie, il doit la remplacer (dans les temps anciens, si un homme prenait la vie d'un autre, il devait prendre soin de sa femme et de sa famille. C'est l'européen civilisé qui apprit à l'Indien à prendre des vies sans s'inquiéter de rembourser et de maintenir l'équilibre de la Nature).
8. JE NE PEUX PAS POSSÉDER, JE PEUX SEULEMENT PARTAGER. Laquelle des puces possède le chien ? Laquelle des feuilles possède l'arbre ? S'il pouvait exister une chose telle que la propriété, est-ce que l'herbe n'aurait pas la propriété de la terre ? ou les arbres ? Voici le secret de la possession: celui qui affirme être le propriétaire... ce qu'on prétend posséder n'est pas possédé, cette distinction appartient au propriétaire.
9. JE SUIS MON GRAND PÈRE EN TOUT. Grand Père est le nom donné au Grand Esprit. Grand Père est le nom donné à l'Univers. Grand Père est le père de l'homme qui m'a donné le jour. L'univers et Grand Père. Dans tout l'univers, tout est possible. Croire en Grand Père, c'est croire en toutes choses. Je suis le grand esprit, je suis grand père, je suis l'univers... en moi, tout est possible.
10. JE SUIS LA RÉPONSE. Le Guerrier est une réponse à un problème. Il n'est pas la seule réponse, mais l'une des nombreuses solutions possibles. Le Guerrier est le premier dans la bataille, le premier à se sacrifier, le premier à protéger ceux qu'il aime du danger. Le guerrier est un vivant exemple de Passion.

LE POUVOIR - Le véritable pouvoir ne s'autorise jamais la confrontation directe ni d'être reconnu. Ce qui parait être le pouvoir est la distraction. Lorsque vous êtes confronté à ce qui apparaît puissant, regardez de chaque côté et même derrière vous, car c'est là que vous trouverez le vrai pouvoir. Les distractions ne sont pas toujours visuelles. Chacun des sens peut être distrait... la vue, l'ouïe, l'odorat, le goût et le toucher. Lorsque vous être le sujet d'une sensation inhabituelle, faites le tour de chacun de vos sens et de leurs sensations. Regardez rapidement autour de vous à la recherche d'un mouvement soudain, écoutez les voix silencieuses, sentez les présences. Ce n'est pas de la paranoïa, c'est une recherche de la révélation. Cependant, les armes de distraction les plus puissantes se trouvent dans l'esprit humain, l'esprit et le coeur. Si l'un ou l'autre croit que le pouvoir n'existe pas, alors la dissimulation est accomplie... le pouvoir est caché.

LES CENTRES DE POUVOIR - Il y a, sur la face de la Terre, des centres naturels de pouvoir. Tous ceux qui peuvent se concentrer sur leur passion peuvent y multiplier leur pouvoir par cent. Ces centres sont ouverts et ne peuvent être cachés ni détruits par les forces de Sorcellerie qui cherchent à vous en éloigner. Ces centres sont assez faciles à localiser. Vous sentirez toujours vos facultés et votre conscience renforcés lorsque vous êtes immergés dans l'un de ces centres. LORSQUE LE CIEL ET LA TERRE SE RENCONTRENT EN HARMONIE, C'EST LÀ QUE SE TIENT LE DON DE POUVOIR (cf. l'études des "harmoniques" de Bruce Cathie).
... / ...

Pleine lune de septembre © Lo de Bodinat


Star Warriors
by Robert Morningsky
Submitted by Don Allen

For anyone else who reads these papers, they are not my opinion, they are the opinion of Robert Morningsky, a Hopi/Apache dancer who came to Australia for the Warana Festival, Brisbane, Queensland. He is a born activist for his people and other natural inhabitants in their native lands. Some of the things he said impressed me, others left me cold. I cannot offer a complete character analyses as I do not know him personally.

On December 21, 1991, a fragmented video tape would trigger a series of events that would permit these papers to come to life. On the video tape were bits and pieces of information that confirmed what some American Indians have known for some time... that Alien Life Forms exist and walk amongst us. Due to the release of information on that tape, it is now possible to reveal further information that could not be spoken of before this time. An age old code of silence could slowly and cautiously be unveiled.
In the late forties and early fifties, a movement began on the pueblo Indian Reservations of the Southwest. It was the intent of the Elders involved to raise an isolated group of young Warriors in the "Old Ways". The teachings began but would soon receive an unexpected presence... the "Star Warrior" (Please read the chronology included). Hand in hand with the "medicine warrior" ways, the "Star Warrior" ways would become the foundation of education of the young warriors. Hand in hand with the Elders, the Star Brother taught the Secrets of the Universe.
Raised in the way of the Katcina, the children knew that the Spirit of things always looks different. The appearance of the Star Brother was not frightening, he only looked a little unlike us and he played with us as a child would. Knowledge must be earned. Wisdom must be learned... the "Way of the Warrior" would confirm that which was discovered and would give suggestion for direction, but Passion for knowledge MUST be exhibited and so, the code was born - "confirm but do NOT originate. Suggest and direct but leave discovery to the seeker of knowledge". These full-blooded Indian boys and girls spent their lives learning through discovery... and one by one they went out into the "outside" world. The author of these papers was one of those youngsters. The material in these papers does not violate the code, it only confirms information which has been uncovered by others. It is hoped, however, that these papers may give researchers an idea or suggestion for a different perspective which may help to uncover further information on the "Grand Overview". The information in these papers should not be accepted in and of themselves. You must seek our confirmation for yourself. The credibility of these papers does not depend on its author, but rather on what you discover from your study and investigation of the material presented. CONFIRM EVERYTHING FOR YOURSELF! THIS IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN BE SATISFIED WITH THE TRUTHS PRESENTED. The material is presented in bold, forthright form. If you seek elaboration "keys" are available upon request.

 The Hopi Indian Legend of Creation tells of three different beginnings. One story says that we have arisen from an underground paradise through an opening called Sipapu. The second story tells of the descendancy from our birthplace near a Blue Star. And the third story relates of a migration from a faraway place across a great body of water. All three are true. What matters is not which came first, but that they are all true. (Focus not on the leaf, rather look at the whole tree). The story of Sipapu reveals that we emerged in a somewhat undeveloped physical state, much like the prehistoric man. Our bodies were still forming and pliable, but our features were a bit brutish. Man, called Koyemsi or Mudhead had two small round lumps for ears, two protruding knobs for eyes and one large lump for a mouth. The head was smooth and round as a ball. As man developed, his physical body and features became more refined until he looks as he does now.

THIS IS THE HOPI VERSION OF EVOLUTION - This story of creation says that the underground paradise was wondrous with beautiful clear skies and plentiful food sources. It was because of the existence of those called Two Hearts, the bad ones, that refuge was sought in the upper world by the Hopi, the peaceful ones. The underworld was not destroyed but was only sealed up to prevent the Two Hearts from rising upon to the surface world (Suggested research Hollow Earth Theorists may want to look at this legend more closely. At least one government agency is said to continue monitoring the Hopi Indian, to see when and if a return into the ground begins).(Key 1)

The second story of creation tells of the descent of the Hopi from the Blue Star of a constellation called the Seven Sisters. One version tells of our travel to earth on the back of Enki, the eagle. Grandfather, the Great Spirit, allowed the first man to select his home from the many stars of the universe. Enki told first man of his home earth, and brought him to visit. First man's exploration of the earth convinced him that this was where he wanted his children to be born and to grow. First Man returned to the heavens to tell Grandfather of his decision. Grandfather was pleased and granted to first man the right to call earth his home. First man soon returned to the green place or Sakwap with his family shortly afterwards. (Many of the hero stories throughout time and through many different cultures refer to a valiant group of seven. Warriors descended from the stars often use the sign of the Seven Sisters on their shields and medallions). (Key 2)

The story of the migration from a great land across the big waters speaks of the departure from a paradise far away. This story parallels many other creation legends, but differs only in that no disaster or chaos seems to have caused the journey. The purpose of the journey was to begin a new home and a new life. Some interpretations have the Hopi leaving their home in order to spread the Teachings of the Old Ones. (Suggested research - The Symbol of the Migrations). (Key 3)

SORCERER VS MEDICINE MAN - (Key 4) - In the Southwest, as in all areas of North America, there exist men and women who practice the use of power to achieve their goals. Sometimes called the medicine man or woman, sorcerer or shaman, these individuals have often been the subjects of books and even movies. Their practice is often referred to as magic. Nothing is further from the truth. Magic is the un natural use of the Powers of Nature. They who turn to the practice of disharmony are more properly called witches, warlocks and sorcerers (It is this disharmony that eventually undoes these practitioners and seals their doom). Medicine men and women work with the force of Nature (Move against the river, it weakens and ultimately destroys - move with the river, and the power of the river enters your soul and reveals its knowledge). One series of popular books (Carlos Casteneda Series) refers to Don Juan. One of the Sorcerers of the Southwestern Desert. His apprentice was known as Carlos. Through the series of books, Carlos is guided by Don Juan and Don Genaro on a path to Sorcery. The methods used by Don Juan are well known to the Medicine Men and Women of the Southwest and most of what is described in the first two books is a valid teaching technique of teaching by Distraction. However, due to the blinders, Carlos refuses to move from his eyes, and the two books seem to be rather confusing. This is not because of Don Juan. Don Juan's attempts to make him see in another way, are totally rejected by Carlos and the result is a mixed up re-telling of events. Do not accept the final book's premise that Carlos has achieved the status of Sorcerer or knowing one - that is not the outcome. Those who refuse to remove the blinders and expand their awareness, will forever be trapped in a prison-world of their own making, and will never see the dangers around them. (They who do not wish to see CANNOT; Those who do not wish to hear CANNOT; Those who do not wish to feel CANNOT. (Suggestion - re-read the Don Juan comments carefully).

MEDICINE MAN/WOMAN - At this point it would be well to mention that Medicine men/Woman are not necessarily healers. In fact, your medicine is your passion. Your medicine always makes you feel high. If you feel high while dancing, then dancing is your medicine. If you feel high while cooking, then cooking is your medicine. Your medicine will always help to cure that which ails you. Your medicine will always give you the power to rise up and continue (This medicine is of the spirit) Your medicine is also that which you do. Your conduct in the Land of Living Things, what you do is your signature in life and it is your medicine. How your treat others and how you react to the world is your medicine. You medicine can help the ailments of others or it could, in fact poison them. What you do affects other at all times (If your medicine is harmful to others, you, as a medicine man or medicine woman have failed in your task). What you DO in the land of the living things is your medicine (This medicine is of the body). (It is the true medicine man/woman that makes the medicine of the spirit one with the medicine of the body.)

TRUTH AND WISDOM - (Key 6) Truth and wisdom must always be sought out. Neither shall come easily. If at first, the teacher ignores you... Ask again! All masters of Wisdom will succumb to the Passionate student. To demand a right to knowledge is to say you provide this for me. To ask for knowledge is to show respect for wisdom and to pursue knowledge is to show passion for truth (In life, there are no RIGHTS, only privileges). Unlike power, truth seeks to come out. It does not hide, it is hidden by those wishing it to remain concealed. Truth and power are tools to be used. Not ends in themselves (Power can cover or uncover truth...truth can only uncover power; Power can lead to truth...Truth always leads to power. Wisdom is knowing how to use both).

PASSION (Key 7) - In order to pursue your Passion, first you must recognise your passion.
The following guidelines should help you to identify your passion:
1. Your PASSION always makes you feel on fire.
2. Your PASSION always makes time disappear (five hours always seems like five minutes).
3. Your PASSION occupies most of your waking thoughts.
4. Your PASSION forces you into action, you cannot sit.
5. Your PASSION is something you will always find time for.

AWARENESS - (Key 8) - There are three parts to Awareness
1. The Inner Spirit or the PASSION;
2. The Outer Being or the BODY;
3. The Outer Spirit or the SPIRITUAL.
(Master the inner self first, the physical self secondly, then and only then, can the spiritual be conquered). How can we master the more complex out of body experience if we cannot stop overeating? How can we stop overeating if we do not have Passion or discipline to accomplish it? All spiritual teachings require mastery of the spirit. Development, or growth, is always outward, not inward. Mastery of the Inner Spirit or passion is first; Mastery of the body or Physical is next; Mastery of the Spiritual is the final step. Those who turn the order around will find their development moving inward and falling in on itself. (Passion is the secret to all things. Master this and all things shall be revealed to you).

STAR WARRIORS - (Key 9) - To follow the path of the STAR WARRIOR, you must first eliminate two concepts from your mind and spirit - Can't and Impossible. How long would you stay married to a spouse who constantly told you that you could not do something? You can't go there; You can't do that; You can't say that! - Not very long. So why then permit yourself to deny yourself? Remember, if you believe yourself inferior, you are! If you say to yourself, I cannot - you are right. If you say to yourself, I can - you are also right. To become who you wish to become, first establish who that person is and how she would act. Then, practice and rehearse everything that person would think and do (To become a deer, one must act, think, live and be as the deer - only then can the passion of the deer be yours). In other words, create yourself. Write a script for your own movie. The hero is you. In the script, write all those things you wish for yourself, all those things you would like to do or feel. Then rehearse your script. Practice becoming the hero or heroine of your movie. Rehearse over and over again until you know the behaviour instinctively. Slowly, you will begin to know how the hero acts and thinks. Slowly, you will become the hero of your movie and your life. The only way to become a runner is to begin running - The only way to become a lover is to begin loving - The only way to become passionate is to practice passion - Practice being that which you wish to be... and soon you shall become it.

1. I am a child of the Dancing Star born of chaos.
2. I am fire.
3. I see the fire in all things.
4. I am but a visitor in the land of living things.
5. I walk the path of silence.
6. I am not seen or heard. I am only felt.
7. I take only that which I can return.
8. I cannot possess. I can only share.
9. I am my grandfather in all ways.
10. I am the answer.

1. I AM BORN OF THE STARS. THE STARS WERE BORN OF CHAOS. THERE SHALL ALWAYS BE CHAOS, BUT I SHALL ALWAYS BE WARRIOR. Only in challenge shall we find our greatest strengths and our weaknesses. Only in challenge shall our passions be made strong. The goal of life is outward development. NOT inner peace. Peace that brings no challenge means stagnation. Confidence in self wrought through challenge is TRUE peace.
2. I AM FIRE. I AM PASSION. ALL THAT I DO, I DO WITH PASSION. - Fire is passion. Passion is that inner force that distinguishes us from all others. Passion is that which makes the Bear become the Bear... never will you see the Bear trying to fly as the Eagle, for it is his passion to be the bear. Passion is the gift that allows us to be what we wish. To do anything without passion, is to go through the motions. To be Passionless is to lose the fight of life. Those who have no fire are easy to conquer and manipulate. The study of Physics and other sciences tells us that all things are comprised of atoms which in turn are comprised of electrons, protons and neutrons... all are particles of energy or electricity. This energy cannot be destroyed, only changed. From these very same particles came the release of a basis of our existence, within our own bodies. Herein, science has revealed the existence of a force unlike any on this planet, the force which directs each one of us in our path. This is our passion, this is our gift.
3. I SEE THE FIRE IN ALL THINGS - All things possess fire. All this have spirit. The only difference between man and animal is that they wear different skins. The only difference between man and all things is the skin, or outer covering. In the Hopi world, the spirit of a thing is called katcina. It is the katcina that is the fire or passion. Those who can see and hear can learn from those katcinas around us. If you can communicate with another human being, you can communicate with the trees, the wind and all things of the earth
4. I AM BUT A VISITOR IN THE LAND OF LIVING THINGS - The skin we wear is but a temporary robe. That part of us which is most important is the inner spirit, or the passion. Yet, we must never forget that we are guests in this land and we must conduct ourselves as such. We respect all that is here. That which we may receive in this place must be left here... things cannot be taken with us, but all of our richeness that we have accumulated in memories and knowledge shall go with us forever.
5. I WALK THE PATH OF SILENCE - In the Song of the morning sky, there is a line that says live as though you cannot speak. It means that what you do is more important than what you say. If you cannot speak, you must communicate your love and friendship through your actions. You must demonstrate that which you feel. Let your actions be your measure. Only in silence can you learn. He who talks does not hear - only in silence can you defeat your enemy, he who makes no noise is invisible.
6. I AM NOT SEE OR HEARD, I AM ONLY FELT - The warrior must make himself felt. If he lives his life and the world has not felt him, he has failed. If he lives his life and grandfather has not felt him, he has failed. His passion must be experienced by others, not witnessed. He who uses his fire warms the world, he who shouts of his fire fills the world with noise.
7. I TAKE ONLY THAT WHICH I CAN RETURN. THE BALANCE OF NATURE AND HARMONY OF THE UNIVERSE MUST BE MAINTAINED - If the warrior takes a tree for use as a canoe, he must return and plant a seed to replace it. If a warrior takes an ear of corn, he must return and plant another. If a warrior takes a life, he must replace it. (In days of old, if a man took the life of another, he returned and took care of the victims wife and family. It was the civilised european immigrants who taught the Indian to take life without concern for repayment or maintaining the balance of nature.)
8. I CANNOT POSSESS, I CAN ONLY SHARE - Which of the fleas owns the dog? Which of the leaves owns the tree? If there can be such a thing as ownership, does not the grass have first claim to the land? Or cannot the trees make the same claims? The secret of possession is this, when you make a claim of possession... that which is claimed to be the possession is not the possessed, that distinction lies with the owner.
9. I AM MY GRANDFATHER IN ALL WAYS - Grandfather is the name given to the Great Spirit. Grandfather is the name given to the Universe. Grandfather is father of the man to whom I was born. The universe is Grandfather. In all the universe all things are possible. In the universe, to believe in Grandfather is to believe in all things. I am the great spirit, I am grandfather, I am the universe... in me all things are possible.
10. I AM THE ANSWER - The Warrior is an answer to a problem. He is not the only answer, but one of many possible solutions. The Warrior is the first one into battle, the first one to sacrifice, the first one to step between his loved ones and danger. The warrior is a living example of passion.

POWER - Key 11 - True power never allows itself to be confronted directly and never permits itself to be seen. That which appears to be the power is the distraction. When confronted by that which seems powerful, look to either side and even behind you, for there in those places you shall find the real power. Distractions are not always visual. Each one of the senses can be distracted... sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. If confronted with an unusual sensation, check all senses for their input. Look quickly around you for sudden movement, listen for quiet voices, feel for presences. This is not paranoia, this is a search for revelation. Yet, the most powerful weapons for distractions are found within the human spirit itself.the mind and the heart. If either is persuaded that the power does not exist, then the concealment is accomplished.. the power is hidden.

POWER CENTRES - Key 12 - There are, on the face of the Earth, natural centres of power. These centres of power will allow anyone with the ability to focus one's passion to increase their power by one hundred fold. The power centres are free and open and cannot be hidden or destroyed by the forces of Sorcery and Magic. They seek to keep you from them, but these centres are easily located. You shall always find your abilities and awareness heightened when immersed in one. WHEN THE EARTH AND SKY MEET IN HARMONY, THEREIN LIES THE GIFT OF POWER (Suggestion - the study of harmonics by Bruce Cathie can lead to the location of power centres).

THE BIRD PEOPLE - Key 13 - Descended of the skies Enki and his children have been the benefactors of mankind throughout time. Enki's gift to man is the feather..for it is the feather that allows one to fly, it is the feather that allows one to soar. (Seek the path of the children of the feather, therein lies the secret of the Star Warrior and Ascendancy). Mankind has been guided and watched over by these Children of the feather. Throughout history, their tracks are found. Study of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman mythologies will reveal many Birdmen in places of influence. The symbols of nations and peoples have often included the Bird of influence. Man has within his soul the yearning for the heavens. The gift of Dreams was the gift of the Children of the Feather. (I have dreamed spirit achieved, my body will follow). And how are the angels dressed? Long flowing hair, long flowing robes and wings... feathers that give them flight. (I am of the sky, by the earth..and for all things, I belong). (Suggestion, who are the Children of the Feather?)

THE LIZARD PEOPLE - key 14 - The Reptile is cold-blooded, the warmth of passion is not found within. The seek warmth outside themselves, and survive by stealing the warmth of the fire of other things. This is the way of the Reptile. The Children of the Reptile have also left their tracks on Mankind's history. Where there has been deceit and lies, here there has been fear and turmoil...therein, the Children of the Reptile have resided. Seeking to emerge into the World of the Sun, they feed upon the Fire of others..Never forget this! Keep your fire under your control. (The fire of man burns hotter than a thousand suns. Yield not its flame, and the universe shall feel your warmth). Seek the Path of the Reptile and you shall find one of the greatest deceits of all time. It was the serpent that aspired to Godhood. It was the Serpent that wanted Man's adulation and it was the serpent that wanted man's soul (passion). Those who seek your passion..your spirit...or your soul...are the Children of the Reptile.

PROPHECY AND REVELATIONS - Key 15 - In the Hopi world, the interpreters of revelations are the members of the singers society. To them falls the task of revealing and interpreting the signs of the stones given to them from the Old Ones. From these stones, the future can be read by those who know. Hopi prophecy reveals the return of Bahana, a teacher of righteousness that will restore the Hopi (the good people) to their rightful place, in a world of peace and harmony. Bahana is sometimes thought of as the White brother but is more accurately characterised as the pure one. Bahana will use the Wisdom of the Ancient Ones and will utilise the Power of the Star warrior. Bahana will call upon the Spirit of All Things in the world, called Katcinas, to give him the strength to Right all things in the world. There are many prophecies throughout the Indian America, we shall mention but two - (The day the lances will come - the eagle and the serpent will contend - The children of the feather shall ascend, children of the reptile shall return to the depths - only the fire will keep the stars in their heavens). The following revelation was delivered in 1928. It is up to you to decipher its multiple meanings... today's red man is white, tomorrows white man is green.

KATCINA - Key 16 - The fire in all things, the Spirit or the soul, is called Katcina in the Hopi world. In the Land of Living Things, the Katcina takes three forms... The Spirit or fire itself, the dancer who imitates and becomes the fire, and the wooden carving, often called spirit carving. (Those interested in American Artworks should be advised that only the Hopi and the Sister tribe the Zuni, have Katcinas. There is no such thing as a Navajo Katcina or an Apache Katcina. Each of the Katcinas has a special strength or talent, one special passion or way of life to teach. The Kwahu Katcina, Spirit of the Eagle, is the bringer of Dreams, and gives mankind the ability to soar and achieve. Hon is the Bear Katcina and the bringer of courage and strength. (The presence of a Katcina carving in the home brings the presence of the spirit in the house). For the reader who has been following the progression of the Star Warrior teachings to this point, the author would like to now present a summation of events that will help to put the old ways into a perspective never before possible. And that is how the ways or teachings of the American Indian can apply to the world of toda, and tomorrow. The follow events are all is left to the reader to verify them (An in depth chronology is offered as a key).

STAR DATES - A CHRONOLOGY - key 17 - The history of mankind is full of recorded contacts with extra-terrestrials since the beginning of time. Virtually every science, religion and expression of life relates the story of man's visitations by the Sky People. Writers and researchers spend lifetimes gathering and sifting through information and constantly publish their findings. Recent studies reveal 4 out of 5 individuals believe in Aliens. We now address this issue..and..the Star Warrior. In 1933, Adolph Hitler rose to power in Germany. It is revealed by those who knew him that he was obsessed with the Spear of Destiny and the Old Ones, who helped guide him on the path to World Conquest. The Spear was reputedly the one that pierced the side of Christ while on the Cross and guaranteed Black power to those who held it. The Old Ones granted Hitler boons in exchange for a price to be extracted from his future. Because of Hitler's Quest, four relevant events occurred. The first was the beginning of a global bio-genetic experiment to breed the perfect super-human; the second was the newly developed science of flying saucer technology; the third was the experimentation of Time Travel; and the fourth was the development of the Atomic Bomb. All of these events can easily be verified by the reader. In 1935, Pope John made the following statement in one of his addresses: The signs are increasing. The lights in the sky will appear red, blue, green rapidly. someone is coming from very far and wants to meet the people of the Earth. Meetings have already taken place. But those who have really seen have been silent. In 1941, the United States entered the war. New evidence on Pearl Harbour reveals that the powers that be knew of the impending attack but felt it must be suffered in order to get the American people completely behind the effort. In 1945, President Roosevelt died, and Truman assumed the Office of the president. Seventeen days later, Hitler commits suicide in his now famous bunker. Three months later the first Atomic Bomb is detonated in the Northwestern areas of New Mexico; one month after that Hiroshima is the first victim of the Atomic Bomb, and exactly one week later the Japanese surrender. Through World War II, UFOs are sighted all over the glove. Some are the result of Hitler's scientists, some are from space. Upon the wars end in 1945. President Truman was confronted with a new problem... crashed discs and alien bodies. In the next five years, the wreckage of 16 discs were recorded, 14 of them in the Arizona/New Mexico area. This posed the government two immediate concerns, one that they were in the same relative area where Atomic testing was taking place, and secondly that human body parts were found in storage inside the crafts. In 1948, a live alien was captured. EBE was a member of an alien race whose bodily functions were plane-like. EBE was questioned but initially refused to cooperate. In time, his revelations became a guide book for scientists and in fact, it is reported that he assisted Dr von Neumann in conquering Time Travel. In 1952 EBE became ill and died. (The plant-like alien race will hereafter be referred to as the greens. This is symbolic only and should not be taken in any literal sense). In December of 1948, President Truman issued directives to the CIA that virtually gave them the right to create a secret government to study and control the Alien problem. In addition, Project Blue Book was created to debunk any sightings and not permit real evidence from reaching the public eye. Prior to EBE's death, Project Sigma was created to send out distress signals to EBE's race in the hopes of saving him. Also created was a group later to be known as the Bilderbergers. It was this group that would carry out, in secrecy, the global plans for dealing with the Aliens. In that same fateful year, NSA is created as the agency in America that would handle the Alien problem. (All of these plans made by Trueman were done in his last two months in office). New President Dwight David Eisenhower assumes office only to be suddenly confronted by a new Warfront..the Alien question. Ten more crashes occur, half in New Mexico/Arizona area. But more startling events were yet to come. Later that year, alien space ships took up residency in a high orbit around the Earth's equator. In late 1953. Close Encounters of the Third Kind really happened in California. In 1954, President Eisenhower met with this group of Aliens. Negotiations for a Treaty were entered into and, in fact, the resultant Treaty was signed. First ambassador to the Earth from Space is reported to be named Krill. During these negotiations, a second group landed in Florida. This group attempted to persuade the Humans not to negotiate and ally themselves with the orbin race of Aliens. This new group offered to help with our spiritual development but refused to exchange any technology. Our salvation they insisted, was in disarming. (This group of aliens shall hereafter be referred to as the Blues...again this is a symbolic reference only). Because of the offer from the orbiting group; because of the suspicions of the Secret Government; because of the enormous gains to be made by the Treaty..this offer was rejected by the American government. Upon discovery of their interference, the Alien forces that orbited the equator immediately retaliated against the Blues. Most of the Blues disappeared into the skies, but several found refuge and took up residence on the lands of the Southwestern Tribes of the American Indian. Many Elders saw their prophecies being fulfilled by these Star Warriors and gladly took them in. The ways of the Star Warriors were virtually the same as the Ways of the Medicine Warrior. In the meantime, the Treaty is developed. (The reader is advised that this is not the first contact by the Greys. Nor the first time an on-going completely visible presence is established). This alien race, referred to as the greys, is recognised in all their efforts through their symbol, the equilateral Triangle. (Suggestion-investigate any trilateral or delta groups). The treaty calls for non-interference by both parties in the affairs of the other. The greys will be permitted to engage in abductions for the purposes of experimentation if no harm comes to the victims. In exchange the secret government is to receive technology assisting i the development of Time Travel and flying saucers. Both sides agree that neither side will sign treaties with any other Aliens or humans. Two bases for mutual use are to be constructed at the outset. The humans select Nevada desert for one base, the aliens select the four corners area of Arizona and New Mexico. The selection of the four corners are forces the blues in hiding to leave the area. Several Elders leave with them to provide assistance and to continue the exchange of Wisdom. Those left behind have only pieces of the puzzle. Unknown to the humans of the time, the greys already had connection with the children of the reptile. Underground bases would permit easier contact and give the children of the reptile direct monitoring of all activities. (Perhaps it would be well to let the reader know that at least two alliances, out of the sight of humans, were now in between the greys and the children of the reptile and another between the blues and the children of the feather. In January of 1955, months later, a member of the secret government, secretary of State John Foster Dulles, displays the arrogance fostered by the grey treaty."The US defense is now to depend primarily upon a great capacity to retaliate instantly by means and places of our choosing". This policy is known as massive retaliation and alarms America's allies. As the year progresses, mutilated animals and humans are being found. The agency in charge suspects the greys of violating the treaty. It is discovered that the greys have been dealing with the Soviet Union. A battle in the skies is reported to have occurred. The Air Force fails miserably. A presidential study group asserts that the public should not be told or rpanic and mass hysteria would reign. And that means that the Congress cannot be told. The group finds out that bio-genetic experimentation must be done by the greys because they are dying out and need a perfect super-human body to survive. The study group also discovers that the greys have admitted to manipulation of mankind through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult and religion. The study group reportedly confronted the greys and pressed the question. The report says the greys freely admitted to religious manipulation but warned against the departure of man from the church. If man refused to place himself at the feet of Christ, even they, with the power, could not prevent the holocaust found in Revelations from occurring. World war III was a certainty. To prove their point, a hologram of the Crucifixion was shown to the group. It was recorded by the study group, and the film exists today. In July 1957 a symposium held at the international geophysical Year Gather reveals probably self-destruction of the earth due to over-heating and and over-population. A follow-up study group called the Jason Society, then suggests three alternatives. One, blasting a hole through the atmosphere to allow the heat and pollution to escape, over-population (it is rejected immediately). Secondly, to begin building underground cities for refuge of a select few survivors. (All others are expendable). And thirdly, to establish bases on other planets utilising the technology of aliens and that of our own development. Both plans are adopted. (Alternative 2 and Alternative 3). As a delaying action, birth control, sterilisation and new deadly diseases are part of both plans (AIDS is one result). Using space ships constructed and tested for years, the colonisation of the moon and other planets begins in earnest. In order to finance these and other projects, the Secret Government, in 1959, pursues drug smuggling as a major fund raising project. An ambitious young member of the Council on Foreign Relations is approached to use his offshore company, Zapata Oil, to smuggle in drugs. With the help of the CIA, the project becomes very successful. The president of Zapata Oil is none other than George Bush. In 1960, John F Kennedy is elected to office by less than 100,000 votes. The following year the public sees the first man into space. Yuri Gugarin. The public does not know that moon colonisation has already begun. On the 22 of May, 1960 a space probe lands on Mars and confirms the possibility of colonisation. President John Kennedy discovers the black projects, drug smuggling and the existence of aliens. kennedy issues an ultimatum to MJ-12, the Secret government Agency in charge, to cease and desist or he will reveal what he has discovered to the public. On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on the orders of the Secret Government. It should be noted that the vested interests of, not one group, but rather numerous groups involved with the Secret Government, were at stake. 1963 sees the deaths of Pope John XXIII and John Kennedy. Also removed from power were Prime Minister MacMillan of England, West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the USSR's Premier Kruschev. Lyndon Baines Johnson, assumes office and within months begins his great Society plans to take care of everyone in the United States. He immediately escalates the War in Vietnam, CIA involvement continues at fever pitch. The Great blackout of New York City occurs. Reports of spaceships just prior to the power outage are confirmed. The areas affected are Southeastern Canada and Northeastern N.Y. On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren land the Eagle on the Moon in front of millions of television viewers. Numerous ham operators and other radio monitoring sites hear Armstrong describe Alien crafts as they watch him. "My god, they're real!" he is heard to exclaim. Maurice Chatelain, former Chief of NASA Communications systems claims all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed by extra-terrestrial space vehicles. He is unable to say where they are from. Later in that year, the Phoenix Project targets mind control. Indigenous people are taken off the streets for testing. One estimate says 250,000 were taken against their will. Brain damage, extreme mutilations or death are the results. In 1972, Richard Nixon visits China in February. In June, the Watergate burglars are caught, but in November, Nixon wins his re-election back to the White House. In 1973, in June, the Watergate hearings begin and Nixon is implicated. The secret government asks Nixon to resign to avoid disclosure of any of the secret projects. Nixon refuses. In 1974, the fabricated gas oil shortage is in effect, and the impeachment hearings of Richard Milhouse Nixon begin. On the 4th of August, the secret government issues orders to all of the US military Commands to ignore any White House order. On the 9th August, Nixon resigns. In 1979, Project Pheonix, with the assistance of the greys was succesful in producing a Mind amplifier. Under drug influence, psychics, those with mental capabilities above the norm were hooked up to these machines and were able to create physical forms. The tests were successful!

PURPOSE AND INTENT OF THE STAR WARRIOR PAPERS - It is hoped by the author that the above chronology has begun to intrigue the reader at its least. Please note that much of the information disseminated through accepted Chronologies and Encyclopedias is based on that which was given out by the Powers that be to begin with. Several of the official entries were created to placate and deceive you. (The reader will be pleased to find several top secret document sources listed in the key on this section. Other sources listed at the end of these papers also include many of the same sources). The information contained in these pages of summation is only designed to stir curiosity and hopefully inspire some to research and investigate further. There are many, many clues and great amounts of information provided in the summary. Read and re-read them again. Apply all previous keys to the material, one at a time. The results are revealing.

SECRETS OF THE WHITEMAN - ANALYSIS OF THE GREYS - Though certainly the greys are a formidable power. Mankind has several advantages going for it. There is, to begin with a universal federation that watches closely the behaviour of all the races of the universe. No one race can interfere with another without the willingness and consent of the other race, such interference would result in severe and serious retaliation. If enough of Mankind rejects the ways of the greys, they would be forced to withdraw or suffer heavy consequences. (Key 21)

Another advantage that mankind has is his access to the Power Centres previously discussed. One of the newest of the discoveries of the earth is the existence of energy belts that gird the planet. It has been discovered that UFO activities follow these belts and that, in fact, the testing of Atomic Bombs and sites of great power, like Stonehenge and the Sphinx, are also on these belts. At the intersection of these belts, there are great sources of free energy for anyone to use. As in the mind amplification experiments mentioned above, these power centres can be used by one well-disciplined Medicine Man/Woman to produce incredible results. Since all power centres or intersections of the Harmonics Belts cannot be controlled, this free power can be harnessed by Mankind. (This is the meaning of living in harmony with the Universe as the Ancient Ones revealed). (Key 12)

The final advantage we will discuss (this does not imply that there are no other secrets which can be utilised against the greys) is the fire within man that we have referred to as passion. The secret to all things is passion. With passion, all things are possible. The amplification experiments of the Phoenix Project have been explained as having amplified Brain Waves, in fact, they amplified the passion of the subject. It was that inner will of the subject that was intensified. That inner spirit within all of us, that driving force is manifested in electrical energy. Master that force and you cannot be controlled, the Universe is yours. Master the inner Spirit and you shall Master the Physical. The weakness of the greys is that they are passionless. They feed upon our passion that we willingly give up. When consumed with fear and insecurity, lack of confidence in ourselves, we give up our passion to the feeding frenzy of those devouring sharks. You have been given a task, that task is to be you. Only you have received the passion that drives you, only you can utilise or sacrifice this gift of passion. Passion is the secret to all things - passion is the universe - passion is all things - passion is grandfather - but most importantly, passion is you. (key 7)

 PHYSICAL SECRETS OF THE GREYS - Key 22 - In the presence of a grey the sensations of the average person are disturbed. Generally, one will find themselves in a state of extreme unpleasantness or will experience the creeps. Often, there is a sense of intimidation or fear. Instinctively, the human spirit will react to a grey presence. This does not mean that everyone who gives you these feelings is a grey, it is only a clue to the possibility of their presence. Generally greys have a very difficult time maintaining eye contact. They have a difficult time focusing on things that are near to them, so that even if eye contact is made, they seem to be looking right through you. Again, this is only a clue to the possibility of their presence and should not be construed to mean all those who have this difficulty are greys. The greys continue to master the physical traits of humans but have still not quite been able to fool a truly passionate individual.

SECRETS OF THE CHILDREN OF THE REPTILE - Key 14 - The children of the reptile must not be forgotten in the equation of earthy events. Their alliance with the greys poses a formidable force. It will do researchers and all who study the greys well to remember that the true power behind them are the children of the reptile. (The chameleon becomes that which he wishes you to see). Review the earlier information and the Star warrior path, for now, remember the Secret to all things is Passion and all shall be revealed to you. (The topic of the children of the reptile shall be left for the second set of Star Warrior Papers).

WARFARE- key 240 - The wars of the White Man are begun for two reasons, defence of one's people and attack for gain. The defense of one's peoples is understandable that need not be addressed. The attack for gain is that which we will address. The white man attacks so as to add to his material world, or to use his own words, for a profit. If there is no profit, war is too costly and will not be pursued. The military-industrial complex is the back-bone of modern white man's world. Certainly, the history of the American Indian and the white man shows this mentality at its peak. The taking of our lands was solely for the purpose of profit for the new country's powerful elite. New lands meant new chances to generate wealth. World War II saw deliberate manipulation by the powers that be to force United States involvement. As a result, the United States became the most powerful and technologically rich country in the world. The most recent war, the Vietnam conflict, will ultimately prove to be nothing more than an elaborate cover for drug smuggling and dope peddling. What man's wars are born of greed - not of noble intent.

REPORTED WORLD GOVERNMENT PLANS - Preparations of the public for announcement of aliens by utilising movies, tv programmes, magazines and even children's cartoons to depict aliens as humankind benefactors. (Aliens are O.K!)
Key 25 - The creation of a criminal class by the development of public welfare systems that create a dependency on big brother and his money. By later terminating these programs, dependent people will have to turn to criminal activities.
Key 26 - The destruction of lower classes through drugs. The creation of fear in the public of terrorism and crime in the streets which will push gun control. Drug and hypnosis induced individuals will kill at random, thus terrifying the public and causing them to ask for Government intervention. (A government program named Orion was created for this very purpose. Utilising drugs, subjects became unwilling and unknowing assassins. A recent study of the random-killing murderers disclosed that almost every one of the killers had been treated with the drug Prozac.
Key 27 - The abduction of humans by the aliens and the secret government continues for both experimentation and implantations. It has been reported that one in forty humans has been implanted. On a given command, they will respond as programmed
Key 29 - Reading of William Cooper's book reveals an admission by the greys that they had, in fact, manipulated man through the occult and related practices, but also, through man's own religions. The following assertion may be most difficult for the reader to consider, The Fatima prophecy and related sightings, the crucifixion and the burning bush are all deceptions designed to make man willingly yield his planet and his passion to the greys and the children of the reptile. When scared or confused, the passion of man becomes weak and vulnerable. The energy released, the passion surrendered by losing control is gobbled up by the passionless. To see the answer outside yourself, gives control of your passion to whomever or whatever responds. Any religion or discipline that immediately separates god and man succeeds in turning your outward, away from your passion. To be god-fearing is to be afraid and sacrifice passion. Redemption by ingesting the body and blood even if it is symbolic in its cannibalism, suggests salvation is external. A christ-head to whom you must sacrifice self can only be the devourer of your passion. There are no words, no chants, no rituals, no charms, not one simple exercise that can give the secret of ascendancy. The one path succeeds, it is the path that begins within. The teachings of the children of the reptile are intended to make you surrender your passion. Be wary! it is not the way. The secret to all things is passion, your passion.

NEW AGE - the following observations are the sole perspective of this author and do not necessarily reflect the whole of Native American Indians. However, most Indians will agree.
PSYCHICS - Psychics are those who are in tune with the spiritual- while there is value in contact with the spiritual, let us never forget the paramount importance of the inner self and the physical self. Question, if psychics can speak to the dearly departed, why can't they speak to those who are about to be born? In the medicine world, we know that the vision required is both the same in both cases. The author personally suspects those who cannot see in both directions.

 CHANNELING - The practice of channeling is seldom done by the medicine world. Though the practice has its merits, those who act as the channels are truly subject to the integrity of the one who is channeled. In fact, many channelers have had to recant their allegiance when they discovered they were deliberately misguided. This does not mean the channeler was an accomplice to the perpetration of deceitful manipulation of the spirit, but in fact, the channeler was a willing vehicle. The medicine world prefers the warrior or medicine person make contact with his or her inner passion and truths. It is known to all that with each of us is the knowledge of the universe, the wisdom of the ancient ones, just waiting for us to seek it (look first within, trust that passion and all things will be revealed.) This is not a condemnation of channeling, but rather a preference for turning inwards for answers instead of outwards.

SPIRIT GUIDES - This is an age old discipline of the medicine world. It differs from channeling in that we listen to our guides but do not let them speak through us. We trust our guides but are still responsible for our own decisions and actions. If there is a revelation from our guide, it is for us to find the way to speak of it. We become responsible for transmitting the message, if we fail, we believe our guide will find another who is more worthy that us. Spirit guides cannot wrongly manipulate us if we stay true to our passions. If we are deceived, we are not true and strong. We are responsible.

CRYSTALS - All things have a spirit, in the Hopi World, we call this spirit katcina. As all humans cannot be trusted, so all crystals cannot be trusted. Some crystals will work for one individual while they drain and harm another. Treat each crystal as you would another human being, establish your own relationship, judge for yourself.

STAR WARRIOR SUMMATION - These few pages are for those who have been gracious and kind enough to request some information on the Way of the Star Warrior. It is only the first step on a path of revelation and discovery. If the path seems good to you, then continue. If at any point, you have any misgivings, then seek another path, or at the very least, stop, take a deep breath and reassess your position. The information in these papers, must not be accepted blindly, you must go out and confirm them yourself. Do some investigations and research, study everything and make the decision for yourself. You are responsible for what you do with this knowledge. If you choose to reject the existence of greys and blues, there is still the terror of the one world secret government to consider. If you choose to reject the existence of a secret government, then the information in these papers and other of its kind should make no difference to your existence. They are harmless. (One last suggestion, just because you cannot see or hear it, does not mean it doesn't exist). If the information in these papers whets your thirst for more on the Star Warrior, then pursue it. If you remember nothing else, remember this, the secret to all things is passion. That is the secret power of the Star Warrior.

Suggested Reading;
Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Hors
Timothy Good - Above Top Secret
Bruce Cathie - Harmonics
Frank Waters - Book of the Hopi
Hyemeyohsts Storm - Seven Arrows
Duncan Roads - Nexus Magazine
Vine Deloria - God is Red
The Holy Bible
The Dulce Papers
The Pleiades Papers
The Gemstone Papers
The Opal Papers;

Robert Morningsky
By Don Allen

 These are the notes that I took at the meeting held February 8th, 1992 at Maleny, Queensland. This is my version of my notes of the meeting with Robert Morningsky, a full blooded Apache/Hopi Indian who was raised by his two grandparents after his father was killed and his mother left the reservation.
From the age of 1-5 years, he had no contact with the white man at all. He was taught with a group of other young people by his grandfathers and by a group of people they called the Star Warriors - aliens he code-names Blues. These people taught him to run 6 miles with a full mouth of water and not choke or spill a drop, then they would return and have to spit the water out at the feet of the Warriors. They had to stand with their backs to their elders who would shoot an arrow and they, the students, would have to turn and catch it midflight. He said the students didn't realise that they weren't supposed to be able to do these things. The policy of the Star Warrior is that knowledge is not given, it is earned. The way to learn is to be led to discovery. There is an old Hopi prophecy: today's red man is white, tomorrows white man is green. The first alien contact started about 1947 - 1948 and they had either already, or were going to spend 50 years with the elders of the Hopi Indian reservation. A description of the Star Warriors is of clear, translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes and small of stature. The main issue of their teaching was PURSUE YOUR PASSION, follow your own way, do your own thing, don't be pressured into being anything but what and who you are. A medicine man is not necessarily a healer, they are people who do their own thing with a passion. ie one that will make you practice your own medicine, two, feel better - medicine people make both things one and the same. A warrior is a living example of passion. What is passion, it is an inner feeling, a love activity. It is that which makes time flow quickly, that one will move heaven and earth to do, that one will make time for. Passion is the unity of union of love between man and woman, which has more power and energy than anything one earth and if harnessed can be unbeatable. Harmony occurs when ones own heart beat moves in time with another, ie the drum music of the dance, the heartbeat of chosen one, the heartbeat of a nation, the heartbeat of the universe and the earth. Think about your passion, if it makes you feel good, and shivery, it is your passion. It is your passion that makes all things possible. The Hopi tradition is that it is man's job to make all things possible for the womenfolk. They must attract, but the women must chose. The reason for long hair is enhancement of beauty and the "Indian love handle" - he mentioned that the caveman used to pull their women around by their hair, he says it was wrong, the Indian women catch their men by their hair! - Men must see the world through the eyes of women.
1. Passion - The fire, the individuality, the you. It is internal, we are told to be what you are supposed to be, don't be anything else. We have a life force and energy that if harnessed could cause more damage than an atomic explosion. But we need to practice harmony and frequency. We find our own frequency and can raise it to match another and harmonise, match it don't contend with it or anything else, or you will be destroyed. The first sensation we receive, is our mother's heartbeat. We all need to be one harmonious heartbeat.
2. Body - your job is to master your own body, if you don't master your body, nothing will work for you. 3. Spiritual - anything else is spiritual, the trees, air, water, etc. To attain oneself, you have to move outwards, not grow inwards or else you will become like the black stars and implode. Shape shifting - is possible by becoming that shape - my feeling is that in making self believe so much that a super imposed image forms in your mind and the mind of those around you - by increasing your own frequency you can become anything ie a microwave than excite water, so that it changes and becomes hot. When our energy rise, so does our body temperature. We have the ability to raise our own and other peoples frequencies.
In 1943 the government conducted a series of experiments called the Philadelphia experiment, to teleport articles. It partly succeeded and partly went wrong. On January 8/9th, there was a terrific light storm that was not so much a storm as an immense light show. (During this storm I, Sande, was sitting of the front porch, connected to the storm, Robert, my guide, very clearly spoke to me and told me not to feed the storm). Robert Morningsky video-taped the storm and on part of the film, the form of a ship appeared. December 19/20. Nexus magazine reported that a ship from the Philadelphia Experiment materialised into one of the bays in Australian Waters and then disappeared. picture (Courier Mail, 31/12/91), If you are not in tune with your passion you cannot create your own reality. Your passion is your responsibility. Who cares what others feel and think. Your answers and salvation are within. 1930-1940 World War II -
1. Madman Hitler tried to create the perfect man, and conducted bio-genetic experiments 2. Work on flying saucers research, development what is known as Foo Fighters - (14.2.1944). 3. The US developed an atomic weapon and tested it in Northern New Mexico. 4. Others tried to develop Time Travel. Out in the universe alien nations viewed us and were dismayed. Can you imagine the SS Eldridge going through into another dimension. Whilst testing a new protection device called radar uncontrollable bursts of energy, several flying saucers were forcibly landed. The area of landing was the Arizona area. The Amerindians respected the aliens found. 1948 - Several discs crashed, so a military force called blue force was formed, to remove all evidence of UFOs. A live alien was captured and he was called EBE, Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. It was found that he was not able to eliminate waste through the normal way, it was eliminate through the pores of his skin. He took sick, and a famous botanist Jaro Menoza was called in, but in 1952, EBE died. A project called Sigma was instigated to call EBEs brothers to come and find him but to no avail. The satellite dishes were placed on Indian lands, and the workers, believing that the indian race was non consequential, so gave them quite a bit of information, believing that they would not understand it. 1947 - In the locker of one of the landed UFOs were found human parts. 1953 - December, contact was made with Aliens. Astronomers found a bunch of space ships going around the earth. Contact was made outside one of the Indian reservations. 1954 - Eisenhower met with the greys and was offered certain secrets in return for the use of people for research and experimentation. They informed the president that they were a dying race and needed help to get their bodies stronger and healthier. An agency MJ-12 was brought into effect, to monitor this programme of experiments and implantations. Negotiations were completed and treaty was signed in California. In Florida another body of Aliens arrived, called by Robert Morningsky, as the Blues. They offered other advice, not to deal with the greys, it would only lead to disaster, but to follow your own path. They would teach with peace and harmony if men would disarm and listen. The military said no deal! So they left, but a few decided to remain and stayed in Northern Mexico and Arizona and made a treaty with the Hopi Indians. These Aliens are known by the Hopi as Star Warriors. The greys left an ambassador called Krill and adopted an equilateral triangle as their insignia. The military force name as the Blue Force became the Delta Force and was formed to study the greys. Two bases were built and called several names, the Earth base - Hanger 18, Dreamland or area 51. The greys went underground under the reservations in the four corner area of Mexico, Utah, Arizona and California. It was for the purpose of monitoring the Blues. The Blues had to flee the reservation and go into hiding, a few of the Elders went with them. The Hopi legend is that there were two races, the children of the feather who came from the skies, and the children of the reptile who came from under the earth. The children of the reptile chased the Hopi Indians out of the earth, these evil under-grounders were also called two hearts. The government has signed a treaty with the children of the serpent. The Hopi have signed a treaty with the children of the feather. The greys want a perfect body, for a long time, there have been cattle mutilations. Always missing, were the organs of elimination. The grey's bodies are always cold, and they feed on our energies, our fears, our out of control energies. (Sort of psychic vampires???) When you are fearful and out of control, the greys use and feed on that energy. What we need to do is know that it is o.k. to feel fear, but to flow with it, then control it by redirecting it into a positive event. Control your passion - life force - you decide what you want, get an attitude! Don't be afraid to say no! The government wants your money for their pet projects and the greys want your lifeforce, your energy. Ask yourself these things.
 1. Do the government make laws for themselves or for people.
2. Do they allow us to do our own thing.
3. Are we under their control on government subsidies etc. The greys decided to stay on earth and needed acceptance, so they hired an advertising agency to come up with some good ideas - hence - My favourite Martian, ALF, Star Trek, Star wars, Alien Nation and ET. The new programme the Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Dinosaurs?? Look and be aware of the symbol of the triangle - TriStar Pictures??? Don't rely on the government for your support, help yourself where you can. See the movie JFK.1959, The Jason Society decided to do something about global warming.
1. Blow a hole in the ozone layer, to let the heat out.
2. Develop underground for the elite societies.
3. Develop other planets into colonies. The last two were adopted, but the first has since be done.
Several things have been happening to engender fear and to give more control to the government.
1. Release of dangerous Psychotics and early release of killers and menaces to society.
2. Wars and upheavals.
3. Drug induced societies and drug dependent societies.
4. Mainland China. Katcina Hopi - great spirit fire. Any living thing that is stressed is food for the children of the lizard. Robert saw for the first time pictures of crop circles, and recognised them as Hopi symbols. He professed that if he could see them in their correct order, he would be able to 'read them'. He feels that Mother earth is calling out Help me!

Question time:
Q: Why would governments hide the fact that aliens exist.
A: If we knew, we would quit doing what the government wants us to do.
Q: Do the greys know they are aliens?
A: The Greys have interbred - the more they interbreed, the more chance there is that they will lose their memories of who they really are, they become half human and half alien and can be quite mixed up emotionally. They must be 5th and 6th generation greys by now, and who don't know they are greys. (Where do you think we get all our information from - disgruntled greys!!)
Q: How can we tell the children of the greys.
A: They make you feel creepy and have reptilian looking eyes and features. Greys have large eyes and have difficulty focusing. They are arrogant. They will be a strong body odour they tend to drain one of energy. They need to wear sunglasses - CIA????
The Blues - Short, big eyes, wouldn't describe too much, because they are preparing for something big. You will feel them, and you will know them!! It is possible that a 6th generation grey could end up marrying a 6th generation blue. Our misuse of our energy can aid a grey to shape shift and thus not be recognised.

(At the meeting, I was with another person, and while the intermission was on, we were quietly talking, when the person appeared from nowhere, and introduced himself to me, using my name (my name had not been mentioned, neither did I know this man. I did not have a name tag on) It was an extremely hot day, and when I shook his hand, it was freezing cold and dry. He shook hands with my partner also. We watched him move back through the hall and disappear into a small of people. We watched the front door, and he did not exit through there. But when we looked for him later, he was nowhere to be found. I have no idea what it all meant, I only know that it was a strange experience. Neither my partner nor I could remember the man's name, although he has said it twice. No one else had contact with the man, or remembered seeing anyone. My partner was a very logical person, not given to fanciful visions etc.)